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Low Cost Domain Names

Has someone already registered your name on the Internet?
If not it won't be long before they do!

Every month 160,000 new names are registered on the Internet and this number is growing steadily. It's so easy to register a name ! And once your name - or your company name - is registered no one else can use it..   EVER ... ... ... ANYWHERE! 

So act NOW before you loose the opportunity. Protect your name so you have it when you need it. 

Check the availability of your name now...

(don't put "www" or the domain type, ie. ".com" or "", Thus for "" enter "bb-online-uk" and no more.) 
Please remember that internet domain names can only contain the following letters.: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, Spaces are NOT ALLOWED. 

It's so easy to register just follow these simple steps. 

1. Check if the name you want is still available by completing the box above. 

2. Then register that name. We will then invoice you or if you wish you may opt to pay by credit card. 

Not only do we register your name we also provide free: 

  •         Under construction pages
  •         E-mail redirection
  •         Web Page redirection
  •         Transfer to another service provider (if you wish)
  •         Full domain name maintanence
We don't think anyone can beat our prices, and definitely not our service, if you do, let us know. 

 Frequently Asked Questions 

 Further Information 

© BB-Online
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