
(Posting to Occult Elist on the Tarot as a divinatory tool taken with the permission of the author from archives at http://www.hollyfeld.org/heaven/Usenet/Tarot/9808.trtrlby.tn).

980828 IIIom

questions from tarot-l, the best I'd seen in a year; my response posted to Occult Elist and Usenet ====================================================

RE what I do with the information from the act ('divination'?): I call it divination and I accept the vision afforded by reflection on the cards as an intuitive, insightful and helpful individual's input surrounding the issue(s) raised by the querent (me). I treat the cards as if they were a hazy communication from a far-off, valuable advisor. I don't usually do readings for others.

RE how do I take what I get from the cards into everyday life: I consider the perspective I have obtained or been given (semi- randomly) by tarot to be of special value. I rarely come to tarot with inquiries about anything but serious matters which I have failed to resolve through other means (usually stressful decisions and a desire for insight to forestall calamity or error).

I integrate what I have found into my decisions in life, when all the research and feedback and consideration available won't really support a decisive action and I am looking for depth of vision to confirm or gainsay commencement along any single option.

RE how well I trust the information I get from the cards: I use any system of interpretation I find meaningful and I have never taken the issue of whether the tarot would lie or deceive me seriously. I don't typically understand tarot to be a person so much as a reflective tool, or mirror. certain cards can be used as communication devices in rite or nonordinary encounter, but always tarot seems to me an interface rather than a personality.

the issue of trust therefore does not usually arise for me. it may be a superficial or shallow sounding such that the input I obtain from tarot is deemed of lesser value and a mere emphasis. it may be deemed something very deep which I had not previously considered and become the central focus of a serious of changes.

the information is not so important to me as the insight. I am not usually looking to expand on the data which I possess, but to learn new ways of configuring that data such that I am given an advantage (promethean) due to breadth of understanding rather than precognitive or predestined promise.

blessed beast!

nagasiva -- tyagi@houseofkaos.abyss.com; http://www.hollyfeld.org/~tyagi/
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