Personal Rune Readings
By Freya Aswynn

I have been, as you can read in my biography, involved with the runes for over seventeen years. During that time I have written two books on the subject. Before I was intensely involved with the runes and Asatru I already had considerable experience in Magick and was born with natural psychic gifts. I've always been able to 'do readings' for people.

Originally Astrology was my method, until the runes came along, and with these Odin. Many have had readings from me through the years. If you should wander across this web page and wish to offer a evaluation of a reading no manner from no matter how long ago, please email for possible inclusion on this web site.

I have found the runes most useful for answering life's questions: perhaps to illuminate a current situation or dilemma and extrapolate probable future(s) so as to offer more choice and personal empowerment. I am really good at this, but of course I've never done it via the net before. Because of this, I have to treat it as an experiment and only will charge a nominal amount for my time and and previous studies and expenses, such as as ISP's and Phone.

If after reading this page you feel you want a reading, please email me first to check whether I have got time available. In order to give every reading my full attention and time (as well as write another book) I have decided to limit myself initially to two readings a day. So, to avoid disappointment please email me and after I returned your email confirming that I will be available fill in the fields. Please do not sent for a reading if not backed up by payment. My time is as much worth as anyone's please don't waste it! And for those who were just about to: No, you're not going to win the lottery, you will not meet a handsome dark stranger and no you will not live for happily ever after!! Isn't life a bitch!

Complete Readings are £20 Sterling and only Sterling. A simple 3x3 rune  cast  such as Urd, Verdandi, Skuld is only £10! Credit card payments will be processed in the US dollar equivalent. Example readings can be found in my books.

For those who haven't got a credit/debitcard; please note: after you have filled in the fields and emailed me the form, I will confirm receipt of this, after which I will email you instructions for payments.

Some of the most common questions which I have been asked in the past are about such things as financial concerns, health and well-being, domestic harmony, crop production, happiness, love, marriage, home purchases, job aspects, school progression, travel arrangements, as well as more esoteric and occult matters. So don't be shy or embarrassed, ask what you will and I will do what I can to answer your questions for you and where needed offer practical/magical/spiritual advice. In my experience a reading, whatever the results, should be accompanied by empowering advice where needed. Wyrd can be shaped - one does not have to be a hapless victim of circumstance. Readings will often contain information to a degree of which you are not aware of, and of issues which happen to weigh heavily upon your thoughts and feelings that you are either aware of, or have repressed to your subconscious.

The styles of the readings include the following:

Triple Rune reading, Urd Verdandi Skuld This reading can answer questions very accurately and succinct. Useful for yes/no situations.

Fivefold circle reading Looking at an issue from five different perspectives.

Eight fold Wheel circle See: Northern Tradition and Magick.

An Yggdrasil reading This type of reading is more related to the spiritual aspects of life and the attributes of the soul, as well as giving a shamanic/psychological perspective.

Twelve month reading This will be a forward outlook and exploration of future developments derived from the information given underneath.

Twelve House reading, derived from Astrology, but highly popular as a reference framework, with the runes.

After you have filled in the fields and sent me the form, I will confirm receipt of this, after which you send me a cheque or postal order made out to: Freya Aswynn . I will then email you my findings. It goes without saying that everything pertaining to the reading is completely confidential, also your email address will not ever be passed on.


This form is for supplying information for your reading

Your full name:

Your email address: (e.g.:

Your phone number (with country, city, area codes):

City/Town: State/Prov.: Post./Zip Code:

Date of Birth:

Time of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Explain, in detail your main subject or concern for this reading:

Describe any necessary information, e.g., sex, physical description, situation,etc.:

Describe any necessary information about any other persons concerning the query:

Which type of reading do you want?

How do you wish to pay for your reading.

First, click on the Payment Processing button for the credit card/shopping cart processing. Then, click on your browser's "back" button to return to this page, and then click on the Send to Freya button below to finish.